Day 4 – Bujumbura still

Nov 1, 2018

We have had an extraordinary day of the river of life flowing from our inmost beings! The teaching has been deep, revelatory and sharp. Delegates have grasped the heart of the ‘new way of the Spirit’ (Romans 7.6). I am reminded of what God did in Bathinda, Punjab, when after the pastor really took hold of the teaching the whole church followed as he taught them revelation by revelation. 

 Here, Bishop Peter (apologies for demoting him in previous entries) and his team got hold of something today. It helped that they were expectant and teachable; he had cried out to God some years ago for help in training his people and when teams started going over to him he saw it as the answer to his prayer. To God, a day can be like our thousand years and a thousand years a day — well he packed a lot in today and it is as though we have been here weeks. 

Peter overseas many churches in Burundi and further afield. He wants to train all his pastors. He has land and wants to build. Lord, provide the finance if that is how you are going to do it. When we explained we didn’t even have a building he began to understand the practical aspect of praying/listening/walking in the Spirit. Today was about ‘walking’ and we were able to use our steps as a ministry to illustrate it. They are getting it, and are beginning to understand about taking one step of faith at a time towards what God has spoken. They value tremendously what they are learning. 
